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What I like about Wise : GDPR compiant, Zero foreign or international transaction fee debit Mastercard and Link it to PayPal
What I like about Wise ✅ The real GDPR compliant ✅ and now the Wise debit Mastercard® has landed, wow international people can spend around the world with ZERO foreign transaction fees. ✅ Wise provides services from ISO27001 and PCI DSS compliant AWS datacenters. ✅ Constantly audited. SOC 1 type 2, SOC 2 type 2, PCI DSS certified, GDPR compliant and follow ISO27001. How Wise Uses Twilio 2FA to Move Money Securely Get your Wise debit Mastercard® Zero foreign or international transaction fees Plus no annual fees and low currency conversion fees. Free ATM withdrawals worldwide Free cash withdrawals up to $350 every 30 days. Auto-convert any currency Spend in any currency and our smart tech will auto-convert it with the lowest possible fee. Easy-to-use app Add and convert money, get instant notifications, and freeze or unfreeze your card anytime. After getting your debit card, you can link...