You could have been searching for a sample Novated Lease calculator or illustration that you can use to compare versus a typical car loan or a straight-forward cash purchase. Below is a sample comparison. Those ones in yellow, except for the 'annual salary' which you should be providing to leasing company, will be provided by the same leasing company. You can play around and replace the values as you please. Those ones in 'orange' can be changed as well on the Car Loan and Cash Purchase options. sample comparison For the car loan option, you can change the values for the 'Loan Capital/Car Purchase' and 'Interest Rate'. You should be able to provide this by asking a car dealer and/or bank where you will avail of the loan. For the car purchase option, the 'Opportunity Loss Rate' can be optionally supplied. You can supply a value that may be equivalent to the ongoing bank interest rates or any investment tool interest ra...