My first investments in CommSec Pocket Well, the markets are down but so is the AUD. It is time to invest in the sharemarket. I have chosen IOZ and NQD and soon SYI about CommSec Pocket App (source CBA) An app so simple, it turns a non-investor into an investor You can start investing with as little as $50, and gradually build a portfolio over time. Choose from 7 themed investment options and invest in something that appeals to you, like tech, sustainability leaders, or the biggest 200 companies on the Aussie market. We’ll help you along the way with bite-sized tips, videos, and articles to teach you all about the share market. How it works When you invest via CommSec Pocket, you’ll be buying units in an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). ETFs are funds that trade on a stock exchange, just like shares – the difference is that an ETF represents an investment in a selection of companies and assets, while a share represents an investment in just on...